License plate recognition

Safe and welcome with license plate recognition.

With license plate recognition you contribute to safety and service at your recreation park or business park. All vehicles, even those unknown or unauthorized, are recorded by camera recognition and registration.

Limit the number of cars

Although PIN code, barcode and CAT Card are great solutions for access, they are not watertight. This is because your guests can easily pass on their PIN code or card to others, which grants improper access. With our anti-passback we can do a lot about this, but with license plate recognition this works even better. After all, no one just lends out their car. In addition, unauthorized license plates are simply not allowed access.

Make your site more accessible for your guests

License plate recognition is a piece of hospitality for your guests. You give your guests a positive welcome feeling with this. By entering the license plate number in advance, you enable quick access. Your guests do not have to experience any delays at a reception or intercom. Also, maneuvers to present cards or codes are not necessary, which minimizes the chance of collision damage.

How does license plate recognition work?

1. Register license plate

In the reservation process, it is possible to ask your guests for the license plate of the vehicle they are arriving in. This links the license plate to the reservation data of your guest.

When your guest arrives, the license plate is read into a database in CAT Access. It is checked whether this license plate is entitled to access. If this is the case, the barrier will be opened immediately.
If your guest has not yet provided a license plate number when making the reservation, or if they arrive in a different car, it is possible to use a PIN code that is provided when making the reservation. Thanks to CAT Learn, it is possible to learn the license plate by entering the PIN code at the entrance. From that moment on, access based on license plate recognition is possible.
With the management software, various overviews of all incoming and outgoing movements can be created quickly and easily. This allows you as the manager to keep a good overview of access.

CAT Benefits of License Plate Recognition

Quick access

No delays at reception or intercom.

Less collision damage

No maneuvers required to present cards or codes.

Less susceptible to fraud

Passing on codes and cards impossible.

License plates within and outside Europe

A large coverage in license plate recognition. When a new license plate range is issued, an update is necessary.

Learning license plates

With CAT Learn it is possible to learn license plates.

Overview of installations


In our columns for access it is possible to build in a display. You can determine which texts are shown in it.

A welcome to the display It's just that little bit extra

Within CAT Access it is possible to set which texts you want to have visible in the display in the welcome or departure column. This allows you to build in that extra bit of hospitality for your guests. Not only do you send a friendly signal, but you also create some clarity for guests who need it.